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Deaf History: James Burke
Sebastian Cunliffe presents the story of a prize fighter
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Deaf History: Florence Attwood
Sharon Hirshman pays tribute to a great toy designer and maker
4m 39s
Documentary (2010) as part of the Deaf History series. This episode is about Florence Atwood, a toy designer and maker who was Deaf. To chart her life, reporter Sharon Hirshman goes to the oldest toy factory in the UK, Merrythought in Shropshire, where over 15,000 teddy bears are made using traditional methods each year. There, she sees some toys worth hundreds or even thousands of pounds. Hirshman explains how Florence Attwood went on to become their Chief Designer. In her short life, she left a lasting legacy.
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This episode
Deaf History: Florence Attwood

Deaf History: James Burke
Sebastian Cunliffe presents the story of a prize fighter

Deaf History: James Herriot
Vicky Sowden introduces a very successful deaf tailor

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Sebastian Cunliffe presents the story of John Dyott

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Sebastian Cunliffe tells the story of a remarkable astronomer

Deaf History: Joseph Gawen
Sebastian Cunliffe presents the story of a very fine stone sculptor

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Sharon Hirshman presents the story of a great artist

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Sebastian Cunliffe presents the story of a very skilful artist