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Small World profile: Alfonso
Find out all about Small World's Alfonso, played by Ace Mahbaz!
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Small World: How Series 1 was written
Find out how Small World Series 1 was created and written, with the writers and director.
5m 44s
Ever wondered how the first series of Small World was written? Find out how in this video with creators and writers Ace Mahbaz and Brian Duffy (who also star in the comedy!), and director Louis Neethling!
You can watch Small World here.
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Small World profile: Alfonso
Find out all about Small World's Alfonso, played by Ace Mahbaz!

Small World profile: Chris Baker
This Small World profile clip features actor David Sands, who plays Chris Baker!

Small World profile: Graham
Find out all about Graham, played by Adam Bassett!

Small World profile: Laura
Find out all about Laura, who is played by Sophie Stone. Who does she like best in the flat?

Small World profile: Ryan
Find out more about Small World's Ryan, played by Brian Duffy.

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