Live stream 15: 1st April 2020 (Coronavirus, children and education)

Fifi Garfield, Lesley Reeves Costi and Martine Monksfield discuss the impact of coronavirus on children and their education, along with their parents.

61m 25s

Live streamed programme, recorded on 1st April 2020.  Produced by BSLBT and originally streamed via Facebook Live.  Presenter Fifi Garfield chats with co headteacher Lesley Reeves Costi and peripatetic teacher Martine Monksfield.  They discuss how the Coronavirus crisis has had an impact on children, their education and wellbeing, and answer audience questions.

An English transcript of this programme is available in PDF - click here to view.

More information (UK)


NHS 111 BSL Service (via InterpreterNow)

NHS information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Text 999 in an emergency (how to, via SignHealth)

Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do (Gov.UK)

More information (World):

World Health Organization (WHO): Coronavirus


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