Live stream 21: 24th June 2020 (Education: The "New Normal")

Fifi Garfield, Martine Monksfield, Daniel Jillings and Ann Jillings discuss how the educational landscape has changed since the COVID-19 outbreak.

61m 9s

Live streamed programme, recorded on 24th June 2020.  Produced by BSLBT and originally streamed via Facebook Live.  Presented by Fifi Garfield, joined remotely by teacher Martine Monksfield, campaigner Daniel Jillings and his mother, Ann Jillings.  They discuss how the educational landscape has changed since the COVID-19 outbreak, their day-to-day experiences and the potential impact on the GCSE BSL that Daniel is campaigning for.

An English transcript of this programme is available in PDF - click here to view.

More info (UK)

Gov.UK COVID-19: Education and Childcare

Bubble School - Early years book reading (YouTube video)

Deaf Teachers of Deaf (resources)



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