Deaf Funny: Programme 6

Last in the series. Deaf Funny is back for more crazy comedy sketches based on Deaf life!

27m 37s

Deaf Funny (2019) is an award-winning sketch show featuring characters from all walks of Deaf life! In this episode, an air traffic marshal tries to place a drink order, the BSL Police meets a couple planning a family, and a hearing couple take part in the Deaf Cinema Experience! Plus, Deaf hopefuls take part in a theatre audition - but who will get the part? Deaf Funny stars Jean St Clair, Matt Kirby, John Smith, Donna Mullings, Deepa Shastri, Adam Bassett, Emily Howlett, Rebecca-Anne Withey, Ben Rufus Green, Gemma Arrowsmith, Jeff Bennett and Erin Hutching in many different guises. Written and directed by Charlie Swinbourne and produced by Rachel Robey, Deaf Funny is an Eyewitness Media and Wellington Films production for BSLBT.

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