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Up For It? Series 2: Episode 3
The focus is on fashion in this episode of Up For It?, with hilarious comedy and VV!
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Up For It? Series 2: Episode 2
What can our amazing young Deaf chef whip up?
14m 22s
Series for children and their families (2018). Orion longs to be a TV chef; Rosie surprises him by introducing him to his hero, Punk Chef! In the studio, Orion tells Mia and Nadeem about his passion for food and Nadeem helps him bake some treats for Magic the dog. Naomi and Ricco use Visual Vernacular in a fun performance and Danny presents a sketch about an inventive chef in his unique style. A BSLBT production, in collaboration with Blue Marlin, ITV Signpost and Mutt and Jeff Pictures.
This is Episode 2 of 4; you can watch Episode 1 here, Episode 3 here, and Episode 4 here.
Fancy doing some cooking? Here are Punk Chef and Orion's recipes for you to download...
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Up For It? Series 2: Episode 1
Talented Deaf triathlon fans star in the first episode of Series 2 of Up For It?... lots more, too!

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Up For It? Series 2: Episode 2

Up For It? Series 2: Episode 3
The focus is on fashion in this episode of Up For It?, with hilarious comedy and VV!

Up For It? Series 2: Episode 4
Packed with awesome Deaf football skills, Danny's comedy and VV from Naomi and Ricco!