

A drama documentary about the life of Deaf poet, playwright and activist, Dorothy Miles. [Note: this programme deals with suicide.]

27m 23s

Drama documentary (2018).  Dot is about the life of Dorothy “Dot” Miles, who died in 1993.  It tells how she was born hearing but later became deaf through meningitis, and was very passionate about sign languages, poetry, English, theatre and music.  Dot was also bipolar and struggled with her mental health, as explained by two of her friends and her niece. Featuring dramatised scenes with Sophie Stone, Jean St Clair and newcomer Jovita Bodamer-Macgregor playing Dot in different stages of her life.  Produced by Cathy Heffernan and directed by Bim Ajadi; a Blue Marlin Television production for BSLBT.

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Winner of Best Screenwriter (John Maidens) at Deaffest (2019)

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