Live stream 13: 25th March 2020 (Coronavirus Self Isolation & Mental Health)

Fifi Garfield chats to Dr Sarah Powell and Clare Halliday about staying at home during the current Coronavirus pandemic and mental health.

61m 31s

Live streamed programme, recorded on 25th March 2020.  Produced by BSLBT and originally streamed via Facebook Live.  Presenter Fifi Garfield chats to Dr Sarah Powell, a highly specialised clinical psychologist, and Clare Halliday, a PhD researcher in microbiology. They discuss how staying at home during the current Coronavirus pandemic can affect mental health, and answer audience questions.

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More information (UK):

Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do (Gov.UK)

NHS 111 BSL Service (via InterpreterNow)

NHS information on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Text 999 in an emergency (how to, via SignHealth)

BSL Interpreter Volunteer Access for Deaf Community (Facebook group)

More information (World):

World Health Organization (WHO): Coronavirus

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