Live stream 22: 1st July 2020 (Black Lives Matter and Black Deaf media representation)

David Ellington, Hermon Berhane, Heroda Berhane, Kelsey Gordon and Ahmed Mudawi discuss how Black Deaf people are represented in the media.

60m 59s

 Live streamed programme, recorded on 1st July 2020.  Produced by BSLBT and originally streamed via Facebook Live. Presented by director David Ellington, joined remotely by actor Kelsey Gordon, TV presenter Ahmed Mudawi, and actors/content creators Hermon Berhane and Heroda Berhane.  They answer audience questions and discuss Black Deaf people's representation in the media; in front of the camera and behind it; as well as their own experiences of working as Black Deaf media professionals.

An English transcript of this programme is available in PDF - click here to view.

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