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History of Deaf Education: Part 2
An exploration of Deaf education through the 20th century to the current policy for mainstreaming.
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Promos: Secret Lab 3: Programme 1
Here are two promos for the first programme of the new Secret Lab series!
Here are the two promos for Secret Lab 3: Programme 1, which is made up of two parts:
PART 1 - The Respiratory System
Professor Knowitall and his two assistants, Dr Bright and Dr Spark, discover how our respiratory system works.
PART 2 - Genetics
The Secret Lab team finds out more about how our DNA and genes shape us.
Programme 1 is going out this Thursday 21st April at 7.30pm on the Community Channel - don't miss it!
To find out how the series was made take a look behind the scenes.
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Recent news about Deaf issues.

Up for it? Series 1 Episodes 1 and 2: Extras!
Make stuff! Try stuff! Are YOU Up For It?

Strategy for Commissioning Television Programmes 2020-2023

Sign2Win Series 1
Our first ever TV game show in BSL, hosted by Fifi Garfield!

Off-Screen Talent Database

2025 Drama Commissioning Round

About LumoTV
Why was the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust (BSLBT) set up and what do we do?

Why was the British Sign Language Broadcasting Trust (BSLBT) set up and what do we do?

Series 1

Up for it? Series 1 Episodes 3 and 4: Extras!
Do stuff! New stuff! Are YOU Up For It?

Our Team

Sign2Win Series 2
Series 2 of our BSL game show, hosted by Fifi Garfield.

Looking for Deaf Talent?

2025 Factual Commissioning Round


Series 2

Work with us

Up for it? Series 1 Episodes 5 and 6: Extras!
Try stuff! Do stuff! Are YOU Up For It?

Training Opportunities

Sign2Win Series 3
Series 3 of our amazing BSL game show, hosted by Fifi Garfield.


Up for it? Series 1 Episodes 7 and 8: Extras!
Try stuff! New stuff! Are YOU Up For It?

Departure Lounge
Two Deaf men meet in hospital. Can they help each other as their lives reach crisis point?

Up for it? Series 1 Episodes 9 and 10: Extras!
Do stuff! Make stuff! Are YOU Up For It?

This is I, Remember Me (Zoom 2014): Behind the scenes
Go behind the scenes of Jack Smallwood's documentary about Deaf people and dementia

Deaf Funny 3 & 4: Behind the scenes
See how make-up artists made the actors look different in Deaf Funny 3 & 4!

What's on TV
What's coming up on the BSL Zone...

World War II: Unheard Memories - Behind the scenes
Find out how this programme was made


EDI Statement
We are committed to fostering equality, diversity and inclusion, both on and off screen.

Charity Information

World War II: Unheard Memories - Family
Watch Deaf people's memories of stories involving their family during WW2

Policies & Notices

Coming Home
A young Deaf man uncovers a dark secret about his past, in this compelling drama from director Louis Neethling

Contact Us
Contact us

Info for Talent


Four Deaf Yorkshiremen go to Blackpool
Can four grumpy old Deaf men enjoy a weekend by the sea?

Info for Production Companies


COVID-19 Info
News and information about COVID-19 in BSL.

World War II: Unheard Memories - Episode 1
The first part of our documentary telling Deaf people's stories of living in wartime Britain for the first time.

The Making of Zoom 2010
A documentary about the 2010 Zoom short film scheme

Punk Chef: Kids Challenge: Behind the scenes
Watch as four teams compete to win the Young Punk Chef Award!

Does Deaf Football have a Future? (Zoom 2014): Behind the scenes
Go behind the scenes of Thomas Giddens's new documentary about the future of Deaf football

Listen, Even When Your Heart is Crying
A personal documentary about how Deaf people experience their parents' grief.

App Feed Categories

Strangers (Zoom 2012): Behind the Scenes
Go behind the scenes of Strangers (Zoom 2012)!

App Feed

Get Cached Feed Categories

Deaf Victorians
A documentary about the fascinating lives of three Deaf Victorians.

Train with us

Get Cached Feed

Tree Fairy
A Deaf girl asks a fairy for a special Christmas wish!

Secret Lab Series 1
Science programme for deaf children presented in BSL

Deaf Sisterhood
Follow Aran's life journey as she thinks about converting to Islam. What will she decide to do?

Secret Lab Series 2
Science programme for deaf children presented in BSL

Shakespeare: Found in Translation - Behind the scenes
Find out more about how the Shakespeare: Found in Translation documentary was made.

Secret Lab Series 3
Science programme for deaf children presented in BSL

The Fingerspellers: Behind the scenes
Take a look at how our gangster comedy was made!


September 11th (Zoom 2012): Behind the Scenes
Get behind the scenes of September 11th (Zoom 2012)!

Hope is a care-free, fun-loving Deaf teenager... but a fatal diagnosis is about to change everything.

My Song
A thought-provoking drama about Deaf identity.

The End
Drama: What happens to the Deaf world when deafness is 'cured'?

Small World 1: Behind the scenes
Go behind the scenes of our hilarious sitcom!

Tree Fairy: Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes of our Christmas drama!

Scottish Islanders
Our documentary about Deaf people living in remote areas of the UK.

Found in Love
Three Deaf people explain how falling in love helped them discover Deaf culture, Deaf identity and BSL.

Small World Series 2
More crazy goings-on in the Small World flat...

Up For It? Series 3
Series for children and their families.

World War II: Unheard Memories - Life in wartime Britain
Watch Deaf people's memories of life in wartime Britain during World War II

The Boy from Before
Sam had no friends, until a special friend came along!

Close Up 2: The Making Of...
Want to learn how Close Up Series 2 was made? Come and check out these vlogs!

World War II: Unheard Memories - Lillian King
Watch the late Lillian King's memories of life in wartime Britain during World War II

The Beautiful Game 2 (Part 1)
Footballer Marios Costi looks at the thrills and spills of the 2019 Deaf Champions League tournament.

World War II: Unheard Memories - Hard Times
Watch Deaf people's stories of living through hard times during World War II

Found in the UK
Three Deaf people explain how they found their Deaf identities after moving to the UK.

Small World Series 1
The hilarious flatmates star in their first series!

The Fingerspellers
Comedy about a family of Deaf gangsters!

Four Deaf Yorkshiremen go to Blackpool: Behind the scenes
Take a look behind the scenes in Blackpool!

Live stream 8: 12th May 2019 (mental health and suicide)
Clive Mason interviews Richard D France and Herbert Klein.

Supersonic: Behind the scenes
Take a look behind the scenes of our superhero drama, Supersonic!

Fairytale of London Town
A bittersweet modern-day fairytale about three very different Christmases...

Five Needles
A drama: the plight of Deaf Jewish women in a Nazi sewing factory

Zoom 2014: The experience of being a Zoom filmmaker
Find out how the directors of Zoom 2014 got on

The Beautiful Game 2 (Part 2)
More from Marios Costi on the 2019 Deaf Champions League tournament – who will win the cup?

Three Deaf people tell us about the day they found the Deaf world.

Chasing Cotton Clouds
A Deaf boy who is grieving for his father imagines a fantasy world.

Scottish Islanders: Behind the scenes
See how our documentary about Deaf people living on remote islands was made.

Battle Lines: Behind the scenes
Take a look at production on our WW1 drama!

Close Up 1: Behind the scenes
Go behind the scenes of our first Close Up series, with interviewer Tessa Padden

World War II: Unheard Memories - Happy Memories
Watch Deaf people's stories of their happy memories despite living through WW2

World War II: Unheard Memories - I will never forget
Watch Deaf people's memories of World War II that they will never forget

Up For It? Series 1
Series for children and their families.

Listen, Even When Your Heart is Crying (Zoom Focus 2014): Behind the scenes
See how this programme from Melissa Mostyn was made

Double Discrimination
Rinkoo Barpaga's thought-provoking documentary about racism in the Deaf community (2014).

Punk Chef: Kids Challenge
Punk Chef special in which four teams compete for the Young Punk Chef title!

If I Don't Lose, I'll Lose (Zoom 2014): Behind the scenes
See how Jean St Clair made her new comedy!

This programme
Promos: Secret Lab 3: Programme 1

History of Deaf Education: Part 2
An exploration of Deaf education through the 20th century to the current policy for mainstreaming.

Found: Behind the scenes
Find out how our documentary about Deaf identity was made, with director Charlie Swinbourne

The Big Decisions (Zoom 2014): Behind the scenes
Find out more about John Finn's documentary on Deaf parenting

Never Enough (Part 2)
We follow St John’s on and off the pitch as they aim to win the English League and the 2019 DCL.

Who cares?
A documentary about care for elderly Deaf people.

Up For It? Series 2
Series for children and their families.

Punk Chef
Punk Chef teaches people in the Deaf community to cook tasty meals.

The Battle for BSL: Behind the scenes
Go behind the scenes of our documentary about the battle for greater rights for BSL users.

Crossing the Divide (Zoom 2012): Behind the Scenes
Get behind the scenes of Crossing the Divide (Zoom 2012)!

If I Don't Lose, I'll Lose
Watch Jean St Clair's hilarious comedy, starring Caroline Parker as an actress who tries to lose weight for a role.

Deaf Funny
The world's first BSL TV comedy sketch show, with sketches based on Deaf life!

History of Deaf Education: Part 1
A look back at Deaf education, from early signing schools to the 1880 Milan conference.

Up for it? Sneak peeks behind the scenes

4: Behind the scenes
Take a look behind the scenes of Bim Ajadi's drama, 4.

Double Discrimination (Zoom Focus 2014): Behind the scenes
Go behind the scenes of Rinkoo Barpaga's documentary, and find out why he made it

Close Up
Up close and in-depth interview series.

Never Enough (Part 1)
Follow St John’s Deaf Football Club in their successful 2018-19 season, as they struggle through the first half.

Live stream 9: 27th September 2019 (cancer)
Clark Denmark interviews Helen Oxlade and Abigail Gorman.

World War II: Unheard Memories - Episode 2
The second part of our documentary featuring Deaf people's memories of wartime in Britain.

Watch Samuel Dore's drama Supersonic, about a Deaf superhero with a special power.

Lost Spaces
“We are here, we are not invisible!" Bristol Deaf community go on a quest to secure their future.

Hope: Behind the scenes
Watch to see how our drama, Hope, was created.

Living with Parkinson's
Documentary looking at Deaf people with Parkinson's


Shakespeare: Found in Translation
Documentary following Deafinitely Theatre as they translate a classic Shakespeare play for a Deaf audience.

Punk Chef on the Road: Behind the scenes (Ludlow)
Punk Chef (Scott Garthwaite) was the first Deaf chef to do a cookery demonstration at a mainstream food festival!

I Want To Change The World
Meet Daniel, a Deaf teenager who wants to make the world a better place, with the introduction of a BSL GCSE and more!

Battle Lines
Drama about a Deaf man who looks for acceptance in his local community after being told he cannot serve in the First World War.

Little World (Zoom 2012): Behind the Scenes
Find out how Little World (Zoom 2012) was created in this Behind the Scene!

Deaf Funny 1 & 2: Behind the scenes
See how Deaf Funny, our comedy sketch show, was made in this peek behind the scenes.

Punk Chef On The Road: Behind the scenes (Sussex)
Cooking up signs and filming an outdoor cooking segment for Punk Chef On The Road!

Tree Fairy: Then and Now
A look back at our classic Christmas family film, Tree Fairy, with some of the filmmakers and actors who were involved in it!

Live stream 10: 16th December 2019 (Festive Cooking Special)
Scott "Punk Chef" Garthwaite and Yvonne Cobb join Fifi Garfield for fun, chat and cooking in the kitchen!

Confession (Zoom Focus 2012) - Behind the Scenes
Take a look behind the scenes of Confession (Zoom Focus)!

12 Days: Behind the scenes
See how our romantic Christmas comedy drama, 12 Days, was made.

Close Up 3: Behind the scenes
A look behind the scenes of Close Up Series 3. How did the crew work together?

Dot: Behind the scenes
More about our docu-drama, Dot, and documentary, Dot's Legacy; both about Deaf poet Dot Miles.

Introducing Best Coast's Erik Akervall
Learn more about Erik Akervall, who made Best Coast!

Introducing The Paddy Ladd Close Up Trilogy
The Close Up producers talk about Paddy Ladd's interview.

Life Out There: Behind the scenes
Learn about the inspiration for Life Out There!

Now recruiting: Two Production Executives
We are looking for two Production Executives to join our Commissioning and Content team.

Life Stories: Alex Duguid - Behind the scenes
How was our biopic made?

Life Stories: John Smith - Behind the scenes
A look at how our biopic about the famous Deaf stand up comedian was made.

Live stream 1: 12th April 2017 (Signs of an Affair)
Fifi Garfield interviews Jean St Clair and Louis Neethling.

Live stream 2: 17th May 2017 (Deaf Funny)
Fifi Garfield interviews Charlie Swinbourne and John Smith.

Live stream 3: 13th December 2017 (2017 round up)
Fifi Garfield interviews Raabia Hussain and Mia Ward.

Live stream 4: 7th February 2018 (Dot Miles)
Clark Denmark, Jean St Clair, Cathy Heffernan and Dr Paddy Ladd discuss Dot Miles.

Live stream 5: 12th September 2018 (Deaf football)
Marios Costi interviews Oliver Eadsforth and Jonny Nelson.

Live stream 6: 12th November 2018 (Deaf clubs)
Richard Jones interviews Janice Connolly and Dawn Marshall.

Live stream 7: 25th March 2019 (BSLBT's 10th anniversary)
Fifi Garfield interviews Dr Terry Riley OBE and Louis Neethling.

Lost Spaces: Behind the scenes
David Ellington explains why and how he made Lost Spaces.

You, Me (Zoom Focus 2012): Behind the scenes
Learn more about the making of You, Me - a film made as part of the Zoom Focus scheme!

Reverberations: Behind the scenes (VFX edition)
Find out more about the amazing special effects in our sci fi drama, Reverberations!

Signs of an Affair: Behind the scenes
Take a look behind the scenes of Signs of an Affair, our hilarious black comedy.

Small World 2: Behind the scenes (Paula Garfield)
Actress Paula Garfield explains what it was like to play The Landlord's Wife in Small World!

Small World 2: Behind the scenes (Chris Baker)
Find out more about Chris Baker's journey to Deafhood in Small World Series 2.

Small World Series 1 Extras
Find out about Small World's characters, and how it was created.

To Know Him: Behind the scenes
Find out more about how our heart-wrenching drama was made.

Up For It? 2: Filming the opening titles
Find out how the funky Up For It? opening titles were filmed!

Up For It? 2: Filming in the studio
Behind the scenes fun in the awesome new Up For It? studio!

Secret Lab 3: Behind the scenes
Take a look at how the third series of Secret Lab was made!

You, Me
Emotional drama about the closure of a Deaf school.

In 2167, the Government wipes out deafness. A young Deaf time traveller travels to 2018 to try to change the future. [Note: this programme is not suitable for younger viewers.]

Still Here
A comedy about a group of ageing Deaf Club performers rallying together.

Signs of an Affair
A dark comedy about Flora, who suspects her husband of 21 years is up to no good.

Life Out There
Billy realises it’s time to really find life out there.

12 Days
In this Christmassy drama, a couple spends 12 days apart with no technology. Will their love survive?

Champion of the World
Drama: A young Deaf athlete fights her way back from injury.

An historical drama set during Victorian England.

To Know Him
To lay the man she loves to rest, a deaf woman must overcome a barrier far greater than language. (Recommended viewing age: 18+)

Evolution of BSL
Ramon Woolfe finds out how sign language has evolved

Dot's Legacy
Nadia Nadarajah examines the life and legacy of Deaf poet, playwright and activist Dot Miles, who died in 1993.

A drama documentary about the life of Deaf poet, playwright and activist, Dorothy Miles. [Note: this programme deals with suicide.]

Found in Sport
Three Deaf people explain how they found their Deaf identities after getting involved in different kinds of sport.

Found at the Deaf Club
Three Deaf people explain how discovering their local Deaf clubs changed their lives.

Wicked Pilot
Magazine show: the first ever BSL Zone programme, from January 2009!

The Beautiful Game
Marios Costi looks at issues that threaten the future of Deaf football, the sport at the heart of the British Deaf community.

The Black Cats' Tale
The story of Sunderland's deaf football team, Black Cats, in the 2017-18 season.

Dot Miles' poems: Uncut
Watch five of Dorothy "Dot" Miles' poems being performed in full by Deaf BSL and VV performers - as seen in brief in Dot's Legacy.

Two Deaf Travellers
Two young Deaf filmmakers document the challenges and discoveries that they come across on a journey.

Little World
Award-winning animated film about a young Deaf girl.

A chance encounter between two girls sparks an unspoken connection.

Being Marcus
Observational documentary, providing an honest insight into the experiences of a Deaf trans man.

Live stream 11: 17th March 2020 (Coronavirus Q&A in BSL)
Fifi Garfield chats with Dr Justine Durno and Clare Halliday about Coronavirus.

Live stream 12: 20th March 2020 (Coronavirus Q&A in BSL, Part 2)
Fifi Garfield, Dr Justine Durno and Clare Halliday are back with the latest about Coronavirus.

Live stream 13: 25th March 2020 (Coronavirus Self Isolation & Mental Health)
Fifi Garfield chats to Dr Sarah Powell and Clare Halliday about staying at home during the current Coronavirus pandemic and mental health.

Live stream 14: 27th March 2020 (Coronavirus: Work, benefits and the legal position)
Fifi Garfield, Rob Wilks and Damaris Cooke discuss how Coronavirus has had an impact on things like work and benefits.

Live stream 15: 1st April 2020 (Coronavirus, children and education)
Fifi Garfield, Lesley Reeves Costi and Martine Monksfield discuss the impact of coronavirus on children and their education, along with their parents.

Danny The Rising Star
Young presenter Danny Murphy explains how he rose to fame.

Here/Not Here
Deaf hip hop music drama exploring sign language, dance, football and Visual Vernacular (VV).

Look Here/Not Here
The inside story of the characters and narrative of Here/Not Here, the Deaf hip hop music drama.

Live stream 17: 22nd April 2020 (Coronavirus: Supporting elderly and vulnerable people)
Fifi Garfield, Dr Emma Ferguson-Coleman and Carolyn Denmark discuss how to support people through COVID-19.

Life in Lockdown
Six Deaf people in very different situations tell us about life during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Live stream 18: 6th May 2020 (Comedy: Stay In Stand Up)
Fifi Garfield, Gavin Lilley and Nadeem Islam provide some light relief!

Live stream 19: 16th May 2020 (Coronavirus: Lockdown Q&A)
Fifi Garfield, Dr Justine Durno and Damaris Cooke discuss the current COVID-19 lockdown situation in the UK.

Live stream 20: 10th June 2020 (Lockdown BBQ Live!)
Fifi Garfield joins Yvonne Cobb and Reg Cobb remotely, as they cook a lockdown BBQ.... live.

Live stream 21: 24th June 2020 (Education: The "New Normal")
Fifi Garfield, Martine Monksfield, Daniel Jillings and Ann Jillings discuss how the educational landscape has changed since the COVID-19 outbreak.

Live stream 22: 1st July 2020 (Black Lives Matter and Black Deaf media representation)
David Ellington, Hermon Berhane, Heroda Berhane, Kelsey Gordon and Ahmed Mudawi discuss how Black Deaf people are represented in the media.

Getting Personal
A hard hitting interview series, presented by Deepa Shastri.

Wicked Revisited
Julian, Kori and Rowan look back at the highlights of Wicked, with special guests!

Punk Chef On The Road Series 1
Scott "Punk Chef" Garthwaite takes to the UK's roads.

Two Deaf Yorkshiremen in Lockdown
Light hearted comedy about two grumpy old Deaf men living in Yorkshire during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020.

Two Deaf Yorkshiremen in Lockdown: Behind the scenes
Our sitcom, Two Deaf Yorkshiremen in Lockdown, was made remotely during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic... here's how!

Punk Chef on the Road Series 2
The Punk Chef is back on the road again...

Life Stories
Several Deaf people look back on their lives and how they became who they are today.

The Doll
What power does The Doll hold? [There are horror scenes in this programme. Recommended viewing age is 18.]

Vox Furem
Are mysterious goings on down to the voice thief? [There are horror scenes in this programme. Recommended viewing age is 18.]

What if?
After a break-up, Jess focuses on rebuilding her life and her self esteem. Will dating someone new help?

Summer in Lockdown
Six members of the Deaf community tell us how the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown affected their lives in Summer 2020.

Life seems to be passing Mimi by until an incident at work shakes her out of her comfort zone.

Deaf Rewind
Brush up on the epic moments of modern Deaf history!

Live stream 23: 27th April 2021 (CODAs)
Fifi Garfield chats to Alim Jayda, Chandrika Gopalakrishnan and Matt Dixon.

Deaflympics: Running Out Of Time?
A look at how the Deaflympics started and what may be in store for its future.

Team Tackle
18-year old April Platt tackles communication barriers with her rugby teammates.
![Tamils in Exile [French programme]](https://lumotv.co.uk/application/files/thumbnails/page_small/7316/2669/6302/Tamils_in_Exile_thumbnail.webp)
Tamils in Exile [French programme]
The struggles of deaf Tamils from Sri Lanka who were forced to flee for new lives in France. [Note: Contains descriptions of violence.]
![Deaf Anger [French programme]](https://lumotv.co.uk/application/files/thumbnails/page_small/2616/2669/6300/Deaf_Anger_thumbnail.webp)
Deaf Anger [French programme]
A French documentary following acts of activism throughout the French Deaf community.

BSL Zone's Top 10 Comedy Moments
A countdown through BSL Zone's top 10 comedy moments, hosted by Fifi Garfield - what made it to Number 1?!

Four Deaf Yorkshiremen's Takeaway
The four men set up a takeaway business to show off Vikram’s cooking skills, but as the orders increase, can they keep up?!

This Is Deaf Series 1
Ahmed Mudawi and guests chat about all things Deaf!

Wild Visitors to my Home
Box set. We meet the Baines family from London, who want to encourage wildlife into their garden!

Four Deaf Yorkshiremen Go Dating
Angus and Vikram decide to have a dating contest, with Fred as referee. Is it really just for fun or will it get serious?!

A short documentary about Klarissa Webster, a talented artist in Scotland.

Where Is The Interpreter? Episode 1
The story behind the campaign to increase BSL access to the Government's Covid-19 related information.

Where Is The Interpreter? Episode 2
More about the struggles of the campaigners fighting for BSL access to the Government's Covid-19 information. How will it end?

Live stream 24: 7th May 2022 (Deaffest)
Raabia Hussain chats to Nikki Stratton, Marilyn Willrich, Louis Neethling, Teresa Garratty and Giles Bowman.

You, Me, Garden? Series 1
Clara Allardyce and her trusty team work their magic on four Deaf gardens!

A social worker fights discriminatory attitudes to get a wrongly-diagnosed patient released from hospital.

Live stream 25: 10th October 2022 (Diagnonsense)
Deepa Shastri interviews Samuel Dore, Dr Katherine Rogers and Jackie Wan Brown.

Four Deaf Yorkshiremen and a Wedding
The hilarious Four Deaf Yorkshiremen are back! And there's a wedding to be held. What's going on?

Four Deaf Yorkshiremen's Contest
It's competition time for the four grumpy old men and their friends. Who will win?!

Live stream 26: 12th December 2022 (Coco's Christmas Kitchen)
Coco Briden invites special guests Fifi Garfield, Chris Laing and Ahmed Mudawi into her kitchen.

This Is Deaf Series 2
Ahmed Mudawi is back with a brilliant range of guests to cover the latest issues.

Food Fighters Series 1
Young chefs take on exciting challenges, hoping to win the Food Fighters trophy!

You, Me, Garden? Series 2
Clara Allardyce and her trusty team work their magic on four Deaf gardens!

Live stream 27: 27th June 2023 (BSLBT Executive Producers)
Cathy Heffernan, Charlie Swinbourne and Julian Peedle-Calloo, discuss making TV.

Coffee Morning Club
A Deaf Club's members fight to save their club from closure, with dramatic results.

Reverberations: The Return
A time travelling mission failed and time is running out. Allies gather for the ultimate confrontation.

Birmingham Made Me
Rinkoo Barpaga is a comedian but, as a Deaf Asian man, his journey to success hasn’t been easy. [Note: this programme contains strong language and adult themes].

Live stream 28: 14th November 2023 (BSL Zone: Looking to the Future)
Rebecca A. Withey interviews Aimee Campbell-Nottage, Rinkoo Barpaga and Charlie Swinbourne

This Is Deaf Series 3
The third series of Ahmed Mudawi and guests exploring a range of brilliant topics.

You, Me, Garden? Transforming Leeds
The You, Me, Garden? team gives Leeds Society for Deaf and Blind People a makeover.

Step Up: Ready To Drive
Sisters Mandy and Coco begin working on their dream of starting a food business!

The Letter
As the Nazis rise to power in pre-WW2 Germany, a young deaf couple clash with the authorities.

Watch Us Roar!
A raw and honest take on the GB Deaf Women's Futsal team's quest to win a medal at the 2024 Winter Deaflympics.

OMGenius Series 1
Science programme with the biggest stunts inspired by viral videos!

Becoming Jazzy Whipps
Jazzy Whipps, the UK’s biggest deaf influencer, shares her courageous journey as she overcomes online trolling after rising to fame.

This Is Deaf Series 4
Ahmed Mudawi is back to welcome a range of guests and explore important topics.

Where The Light Gets In
Drama about a single mother who is under pressure, juggling motherhood and running a business [Warning: upsetting content].

CODA & Proud
In this short documentary, children with deaf parents tell us about their lives.

How to… turn on our subtitles?
Quite often, people ask us how to turn on the subtitles on programmes on our website, so here’s a refresher!

Photo focus: Getting Personal Series 3
Time to share some beautiful portraits of some of the beautiful people in Getting Personal Series 3!

We’re on the lookout for deaf talent!
Are you working in TV... or have you always wanted to?

Exciting news from Italy!
Two of our programmes have been selected for a film festival this weekend...

We’ve been shortlisted for a Broadcast Award!
We're absolutely thrilled to have mainstream recognition for our work...

We're shortlisted for 5 Clin D'Oeil awards!
Diagnonsense, The Letter and Birmingham Made Me are all up for awards...

How did Watch Us Roar! happen?
Click here to watch a short interview with Shooting Producer-Director, Samuel Ash.

Meet our new Trustees!
We're thrilled to introduce the newest members of the BSLBT Board.

Meet our new Audience Engagement Officer!
Welcoming one of our newest members of staff...

BSLBT launches training for deaf subtitlers
Click here to find out all about it!

New FAQs page!
Have you seen our new FAQs page?

Introducing BSLBT’s new Drama Commissioner

Deaf Gathering Cymru

Becoming Jazzy Whipps to premiere on BSL Zone
Bim Ajadi's new documentary will be available on our website on Friday 20th September.

Our new Vision, Mission and Values
Click here to find out more about what BSLBT stands for.

Wonder who's who in our Senior Management Team (SMT)? Click here to find out more.

Screenings and an award for three of our films!
Superfest and The Bolton International Film Festival

Seeking social media contributors
Social media contributors call out!

Photo Focus: Sign2Win Series 3
Have a look at some brilliant photos from Becky Bailey!

Screenings and a nomination for our programmes!
Three of our programmes in a film festival and one of our documentaries is up for an award!

The Letter Photo Focus
Check out unit and production stills from The Letter!

Introducing our new brand!
Click here to watch our exciting launch video...

BSLBT Academy: Talent Acceleration
Check out this video for a glimpse of the action!

2025 sneak peek!
Click here to find out more about some of our brilliant new programmes!

Short term contracts: Producers and researchers wanted!

Seventeen years later, BSL Zone gets a fresh, new makeover
5th March will be a big day for the Deaf community.

LumoTV Presents TWO premieres in THREE locations
Everyone is invited to join us!

Unsure about your CV?
Click here to see our CV tips!